In 2016, five days of hallucinations marked the beginning of my Crossverse journey. In trying to understand these visions, I was led to the study of quantum mechanics. By 2019, more visions led to a calling to document this experience in a book called Crossverse. Later that year, I traveled to a Marian apparition site in Conyers, Georgia. I had been previously fascinated with the scientific work around the miraculous events that occurred at Conyers. This time, however, I would make the trip there to seek healing for what would become a serious health issue. I did not receive a healing then, but I was approached by a dying Catholic priest who gave me the calling to write a book about the Conyers experience. Within a few weeks, a detailed study of those scientific measurements (around the miracles at Conyers), and my new-found knowledge of quantum mechanics, brought on a profound revelation. |
scientific results at Conyers in the 1990s now takes on a whole new
significance as most of the unexplained results can be translated to
supernatural quantum behaviors. Conyers adds a new dimension. The
Conyers' results show that our quantum brains, as well as being able to
shift over to other universes, may also provide a communications link
to outside the multiverse where the Creator of this masterpiece is
interacting with us. |
chapters of the book Crossverse are dedicated to the miraculous events
and scientific testing at Conyers. These chapters also cover the growing
fruits of Conyers which include miracles that have been accepted by the
Catholic Church. Below is the first of these chapters and is titled:
"Worthy of Belief." In 2016, five days of hallucinations marked the beginning of my Crossverse journey. In trying to understand these visions, I was led to the study of quantum mechanics. By 2019, more visions led to a calling to document this experience in a book called Crossverse. Later that year, I traveled to a controversial Marian apparition site in Conyers, Georgia. I had been previously fascinated with the scientific work around the miraculous events that occurred at Conyers. This time, however, I would make the trip there to seek healing for what would become a serious health issue. I did not receive a healing then, but I was approached by a dying Catholic priest who gave me the calling to write a book about the Conyers experience. Within a few weeks, a detailed study of those scientific measurements (around the miracles at Conyers), and my new-found knowledge of quantum mechanics, brought on a profound revelation. The scientific results at Conyers in the 1990s now takes on a whole new significance as most of the unexplained results can be translated to supernatural quantum behaviors. Conyers adds a new dimension. The Conyers' results show that our quantum brains, as well as being able to shift over to other universes, may also provide a communications link to outside the multiverse where the Creator of this masterpiece is interacting with us. It would take an entire book to cover all the miraculous events around the Conyers experience. I will not be going into the thousands of specific miracles witnessed by the pilgrims at Conyers. The Archdiocese of Atlanta has seven file boxes that are full of hundreds of these personal reports. This chapter, instead, will give a brief story of Conyers and focus mostly on the experiences of the scientists and present their surprising test results. Quantum effects were at play in Conyers, and it seems they were strongly influenced by a higher level of consciousness and supernatural belief. Belief Positive thinking produces positive results. Few people will argue with this. The all-time bestselling book on positive thinking is "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. The foundation of Peale's work is a supernatural belief. In this chapter, the documented supernatural events that affected people of many backgrounds (atheists, agnostics, Christians, and Jewish people) may seem to be a phenomenon unique to Catholic traditions. The Catholic Church has certainly supported a belief in miracles while other religions (including non-Catholic Christian denominations) are much more reserved. Some Protestants believe that everything is predestined; therefore, miracles are not applicable. In pure Many-worlds deterministic universes, this would make sense but, as quantum physics shows, things are not so deterministic. Freewill and the external injection of actions play an important role in each universe. Quantum consciousness may also interact in the universes to change reality. A supernatural belief could be what engages the quantum consciousness to reach this level. Do not let the Catholic specifics of Conyers bother you. As stated before, you need to let go. Many people believe that a quantum consciousness can turn any specific belief (like Catholicism, in this case) into reality. My road to Conyers My first taste of a reality-altering belief came a few years before I was made aware of Conyers. My near-death experience in 2010 (which I mentioned in the Introduction – Birth of a messenger), had a remarkable similarity to one of the greatest medical miracles of our time.1 That miracle happened at the Our Lady of Lourdes Marian apparition site in France.2 It was through a historical research project, on a recreation of the Lourdes grotto at my church, that I linked my miracle with the Lourdes miracle. Saint Bernadette was the young lady who had multiple visions of Mary in the mid-1800s in Lourdes, France. On eBay, one evening, I discovered a seller who had managed to acquire relics of Saints from a convent that had recently closed in Belgium. One of those was a beautiful piece which contained, in sealed glass, a strand of Saint Bernadette's hair. Unlike the other artifacts, however, this one was older and did not include a certificate of authentication. There were several bidders, and I set a maximum high bid of $101; and held the current high bid at $63. With less than 30 seconds left on the bidding, a familiar compelling force came over me. As the clock reached 5 seconds, I saw my bid overtaken, and the high bid went one dollar above my $101. But, as this was happening, my fingers were typing $630. I hit the Enter button with one second left. My bidding opponent had raised his bid to $625. I won the auction. A fellow church member, who had visited most of the significant Marian apparition sites in the world, asked me how I was sure the relic was authentic. At that moment, the understanding of belief being able to change reality came to me. My answer was: If it was not genuine, before that last five seconds of the auction, the force that came over me, made it authentic. I did not completely understand this until I realized our quantum reality. As I will repeat, the Creator of the multiverse is not in the dimensions of space and time. The timeline, as we see it, is all before the eyes of the Creator and can be altered. The past can be changed. The memories in our quantum computing brains can be partially, or even entirely, reprogrammed. This could leave us with no history (evidence) of the previous reality. Simply put, time-modifying events, go beyond our human comprehension. This is another case of BODAC (Beyond Our Discovery and Comprehension) where we have to step back and accept that, in a single universe, there are things that are impossible to understand. Making connections to entities outside of our universe, however, expands our reality and understanding. As I was finishing the rough draft on "Miracles to Yesterday" in 2017, my wife (Odess) talked me into going to a Marian Conference in Greenville, SC. I was originally baptized as a Presbyterian and, despite being a Catholic for the last 25 years, there were still many things to learn about being Catholic. The additional focus on Mary is one of the big differences. A Marian Conference is a celebration of the Virgin Mary. Catholics often refer to Mary as the Mother of God. This is a logical conclusion given that Jesus stated that he and God are one and the same. Add the Holy Spirit in, and you have the Trinity. My point is that Mary is a more significant figure to Catholics than to people of other Christian denominations. While at the Marian conference, I was browsing through sale items in the different vendor booths when something caught my attention. It was an audio CD titled "Science Confirms Faith." The CD was an interview with Dr. Ramon M. Sanchez of Atlanta. The man operating the booth explained that the interview was about scientific work in the 1990s around a Marian apparition site near Atlanta in Conyers, GA. I wondered why I had never heard about this. I would later realize that the national and global headlines of these events were around the same time that I married Odess. I would have been distracted by that and several international trips during that period. After buying and listening to the CD, I was fascinated with the events at Conyers and the scientific work that was completed at the site and in a lab in Atlanta. I would soon acquire many books and videos related to all those happenings at Conyers. The discovery also had a profound effect on my book "Miracles to Yesterday," which had an incomplete theme of "science vs. faith." Just like so many miracles in that book, this would be another one that would not only fulfill the incomplete theme but also give birth to the subtitle of the book: "Science and Faith come back together." Odess and I would travel to Conyers, where we completed some surprising interviews. I went back home and added a section on Conyers in the "Miracles or not?" chapter of the book. I had a strong feeling, however, that this would somehow turn into another calling. After receiving the next calling to do "Crossverse," I was uneasy about Conyers. Should it have been a higher priority? Another visit to Conyers partly answered the concern. By chance, we met the priest of the Catholic Church next to the Conyers' apparition site. Just like the calling to do "Miracles to Yesterday," a priest I did not know gave me a calling to do a book: "Worthy of Belief: Conyers, Thirty years later." But still, I had "Crossverse" as a higher priority. I felt guilty about this, but as I wrote the Crossverse chapters on quantum computing and quantum psychology, I realized that there is a quantum phenomenon behind the stunning results at Conyers. It all fits perfectly with Crossverse and the "how and why" of An Answer to Everything. My new calling would not be two books. It would be a single unifying book which would include chapters that cover the Conyers experience. ![]() Just what happened at Conyers in the 1990s? There are a lot of significant facts and points to make in the case of Conyers. We will start from the angle of the scientists and how they were drawn to Conyers. Can science prove a miracle? Science is very simple, and the first response from a scientist (to the question: Can science prove a miracle?) would be another question: Is a miracle measurable? Most scientists will say that it is not. To the many who have experienced miracles, there is no question that they are real. Do the testimonies of thousands of eyewitnesses count for anything? Most scientists will say “no” if the accounts are not backed-up by reproducible tests and measurements. On a farm in Conyers, Georgia, in the 1990s, a series of visions, messages, and miracles begin making the news. The so-called “visionary,” Nancy Fowler, had been having monthly apparitions of Jesus and mother Mary, and they continued for eight years. By 1993, people by the tens of thousands were making pilgrimages to Conyers, Georgia, to see miracles and hear the messages given to Fowler. Visions of the Virgin Mary (Marian apparitions) were taken quite seriously in other parts of the world, but not in the United States. It would not take long for these strange stories to intrigue the religious and scientifically curious people of the world. Soon, scientists would be in Conyers, where their measurements took advantage of reproducible miracles. Over the years, the tests and their stunning results would be performed and completed multiple times, in various locations, in multiple countries. To the astonishment of the scientists, the results were always the same and could not be explained by science until now. The timeline of Conyers: 3 1985—Nancy Fowler (a mother and registered nurse) is awakened by a mystical light and hears the Lord telling her she is a prophet. February 1987—Fowler experienced her first full-length apparition of Jesus, who did not speak to her. October 1987—Fowler had already begun to receive inner locutions [messages] from the Blessed Mother. She was pulled by an inner call to go to Medjugorje, Yugoslavia. After climbing Mt. Krizevac, she heard a deep voice saying she is a prophet. November 1987—An immense Light settles over a Crucifix, and Jesus appears. Fowler asks, what do you want of me? Jesus tells her that He wants her to bear witness that He is the Son of the Living God. Early in 1988—The Blessed Mother begins to appear to the visionary. She was then living in Illinois. Summer 1990—Through a series of visions, the visionary (Fowler) was led to a house in Conyers, Georgia. Jesus tells her that the little hill in her back yard is Holy Ground. September 1990—The Blessed Mother gives the first message, to Fowler, for the United States and tells the visionary She will appear on the 13th of the month with a message for the United States. Fall 1990—Jesus asks the visionary to reveal the heavenly messages to the world at large. October 1990—The Blessed Mother gives the first of 44 monthly messages on the 13th for the United States and the world. May 1992 – Research scientist Professor Philip S. Callahan meets Nancy Fowler at her farm in Conyers. Callahan is also a believer, and his kind personal touch paves the way for scientific studies in July. June 1992—The estimated number of pilgrims visiting Conyers on the 13th exceeds 10,000 for the first time. As the year progresses, the number of pilgrims each 13th increases to an estimated 25,000 by year-end. June 1992 - Bolivian Professor of Neuropsychology (and a self-proclaimed atheist) Ricardo Castanon arrives home where he smells the fragrance of a flower but is unable to find the source. The next evening, the smell returns, and for some strange reason, he picks up a book which was loaned to him called “The Queen of the Cosmos.” Castanon had no intention of opening the book, but now he does. The book is about a Marian apparition in Medjugorje. He reads the entire book. Awaking in the morning, he is compelled to reread the book. When done, he feels the strong desire to pray but does not know a prayer. Asking his mother for a Bible, she tells him, “today is Holy Spirit day, and this is Pentecost. You are converting.” 4 July 1992 - Professor Philip S. Callahan arrives on the morning of the 13th to make scientific observations and measurements. This day is an apparition date, and there are over ten thousand pilgrims at the site. 1. Miracles to Yesterday: Chapter: The Lourdes of Granby: David Brinkman 2. Near-death Experiences Examined: Medical Findings and Testimonies from Lourdes:The case of Jean-Pierre Bély:Theillier, Patrick 3. The Conyers timeline: 4. Wake Up America: Take My Heart, Take My Hand: The inspirational story of Marian apparitions, healing, and faith in Conyers, Georgia: Ann Marie Hancock |